The leak powers that be seem to want to up themselves with every new stage in Sony handhelds. The PSPGo! was leaked weeks before its E3 debut, and the NGP’s coming out party was rumored months in advance, and now the same system’s name has been leaked repeatedly in two completely different sectors. Originally, some […]
Originally billed as a portable PS3 powerhouse, Sony’s Next Generation Portable may be going under the knife to reduce the final retail cost. According to (who has a great track record with Sony’s announcements in the past), the NGP SKU lacking in 3G could also see a significant decrease in RAM, from 512MB built-in, […]
Game industry reporter has stated that Lazard Capital Markets, a US-based market research firm, has issued a report confirming that the upcoming handheld by Sony, the NGP, will be released in North America before the end of the current year. However, the firm was unable to confirm the same for a European release date, […]

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