21 Sep

ea-mobileDust off your DSi’s for some light-hearted fun. Electronic Arts announced MySims Camera and SUDOKU are available for download from the Nintendo DSi Shop. EA also has also announced Downtown Texas Hold’em will be available later this year. EA also promises a few more yet unnamed titles to released as well.

EA had this to say about their upcoming portable projects:

“EA has fully embraced the Wii and the Nintendo DS, bringing custom-built DSiWare games to the Nintendo consumer is an exciting opportunity for us to reach DSi owners with easy to play games that they can download and play whenever they want,” said Rod Humble, Head of the EA Play Label. “The lineup of games we have in development will appeal across the diverse DSi consumer base so whether players want to showcase their creativity and humor using MySims Camera or sharpen their math and word skills with SUDOKU– our first games in the DSi Shop will deliver a quick and fun experience.”