Google has revealed the Nexus Player, an Android-powered set-top box that can stream movies and play games. The ASUS-made machine has 8GB of internal storage, 1GB of RAM, a 1.8GHz Quad Core Intel Atom processor and an Imagination PowerVR Series 6 Graphics 2D/3D Engine. The device can be controlled with voice commands but also comes […] News
Night At The Museum director Shawn Levy is currently in talks with Warner Bros. to direct the Minecraft film adaptation, Deadline reports. Levy would work with the same producer behind the Lego Movie, Roy Lee, as well as Jill Messick. Warner Bros. acquired the rights to make a Minecraft film in February. Minecraft developer Mojang […]
Electronic Arts has added Plants vs Zombies: Garden Warfare to the EA Access Vault, a collection of games available through EA’s Xbox One subscription service. EA Access was announced for Xbox One in July. Subscribing to the service costs $4.99 a month or $29.99 a year. Subscribers to the service get early access to select […]
Infinite Crisis developer Turbine was hit with a round of layoffs today, Warner Bros. has confirmed. “As part of our normal business process, we’re routinely looking at the strategic alignment of our company,” a Warner Bros. representative told Joystiq. “Unfortunately, in order for us to invest in growth areas at Turbine, we have to eliminate […]