E3Show1 11 Jun

New Trailer Released For ‘Shadow of Mordor’ A new trailer was released today for the upcoming Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor. The new trailer focuses on the game’s nemesis system and show how some individual orcs in the game will remember their encounters with main character Talion. The named orcs will also have their own […]

11 Jun

Ubisoft kicked off their press conference with a gameplay trailer for Far Cry 4 showcasing the first five minutes of the title. The trailer features the protagonist on a bus when it is stopped at an armed border, then things start to turn south and the guards begin firing at the bus. The game’s villain […]

11 Jun

Microsoft held its annual Xbox Media Briefing in Los Angeles today. As per tradition, the event was held a day before the official start of E3, at the Galen Center. Phil Spencer,  who heads up the Xbox Division at Microsoft, opened the presentation by emphasizing that the event would be focused entirely on games. He […]