06 Oct
A more guitar, and story, driven experience than we have seen in the past, is there enough in this update to continue the franchise, or should we finally give our blistered palms a rest?
A more guitar, and story, driven experience than we have seen in the past, is there enough in this update to continue the franchise, or should we finally give our blistered palms a rest?
In light weak 3D outings in the past, does this reboot of the Castlevania franchise live up to the series’ pedigree?
It is officially October! We at Elder-Geek.com absolutely love horror in all of its forms. And what better way to start the month of our favorite holiday then with one of our favorite downloadable zombie games, Burn Zombie Burn.
Dead Rising 2 takes place 3 years after Frank West’s adventure. Has the game evolved, or is it best left 4 dead?