In what most gamers thought to be an April Fool’s Day prank from Ubisoft, Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon turned out to be true. Coated from head to toe with a faux-80s treatment, Blood Dragon is a love letter to gamers and geeks who grew up in the neon-loving, hair-feathering, Reaganomic, new wave, radical 80’s. […]
Learning absolutely nothing from their 2011 cult hit Dead Island, Techland and Deep Silver give the entire gaming community a blueprint on how to not create a sequel in the 2013 gaming market.
Dishonored won us over, not because it was just another decent game, it was a great stealth game, and those have become rare. Recently, Bethesda released Dishonored’s second DLC pack called The Knife of Dunwall; the first of two expansions where players live the life of the enigmatic assassins leader Daud–one of the villains of the […]
After a ten hour campaign, a breathtaking introduction, and a brain tickling ending, BioShock Infinite is the game that should make Ken Levine a household name like George Lucas, Ridley Scott, or James Cameron. Time and time again, Levine has helped create some of the best games while weaving some of the most creative science […]