Crytek’s ‘Timesplitters HD’ petition has sparked discussion amongst Crytek UK developers, but so far not enough to commit to any new production.
Crytek’s ‘Timesplitters HD’ petition has sparked discussion amongst Crytek UK developers, but so far not enough to commit to any new production.
THQ recently announced that the sequel to Kaos Studios’ pulp shooter Homefront is currently in production at Crytek UK. Formerly known as Free Radical, the home of Timesplitters and Second Sight is using the Cry Engine 3 to bring a new chapter to the franchise sometime in THQ’s 2014 fiscal year. Crytek UK took the […]
In an interview with Computerandvideogames.com, Crytek CEO Cevat Yerli stated that the developers have been discussing the idea of creating a fourth installment in the iconic Timesplitters series. The original of the series, Free Radical, was apparently working on creating this title before it was forced into administration in late 2008. The studio was then […]