Crytek’s ‘Timesplitters HD’ petition has sparked discussion amongst Crytek UK developers, but so far not enough to commit to any new production.
Crytek’s ‘Timesplitters HD’ petition has sparked discussion amongst Crytek UK developers, but so far not enough to commit to any new production.
A bitter update to the defunct Mega Man Legends 3 project: apparently the fans didn’t want it enough. Capcom posted a series of twitter messages putting the blame for the game’s cancellation on a lack of fan involvement in the Prototype Version‘s process.
[Initial reporting done by Eli English] Cold Stream Games, creators of Beat Hazard, has announced that a new downloadable content pack, called “Ultra”, will be released on June 27 for $5. In addition to adding more enemies and bosses to fight, more pick-ups to be found, and new modes to be played, the pack will include competitive […]
A love tap may be the only thing keeping the good Duke out of Wal-Mart shelves if feminist organizer Shelby Knox gets her way. The slap given to belligerent girls when captured in Duke Nukem Forever‘s “Capture the Babe” multiplayer mode has Knox attempting to get the game out of Wal-Mart stores. Gearbox Software president […]