Codemasters has confirmed that Operation Flashpoint: Red River, the sequel to Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising from 2009, will be released on the 21st of April in Europe. The game will hit store shelves in the United States on the 26th. The game will be set during a fictional civil war in 2013, in the country of […]
Last week, Codemasters revealed to online industry magazine Develop that it is working on new iterations in the Race Driver: Grid and Operation Flashpoint series. Today, IGN has published a first-look at the newest installment in the Operation Flashpoint series, which will be known as Operation Flashpoint: Red River. The interview indicates that while the […]
Codemasters issued a response regarding the problems with connecting to the online servers in Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising. The forum representative stated that they are continuing to work with great urgency in conjunction with Quazal to address these issues. In the meantime, they will continue to update the status of the multiplayer feature and we […]
Players of the new Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising may have experienced connection problems with the online servers. The community manager of the Flashpoint forums released a statement saying: “We have been in constant communications with Quazal on this matter regarding the problems on PS3 and PC, however today has been a national holiday for them […]