23 Sep

While Medal of Honor is being developed as a direct competitor to Call of Duty: Black Ops, the studio head of Treyarch, Mark Lami, has stepped up to defend the EA LA “Danger Close” team in light of the recent backlash. In an interview with MCV, he called it unfair to single out games, while books and films cover equally controversial topics.

Talking about Call of Duty: Black Ops, Lamia stated that Treyarch’s game covers “the Cold War era and there are definitely some controversial topics in there. But I look at it as creating a piece of entertainment and we are strong advocates of creative freedom. […] Our story weaves itself around all kinds of controversial historical periods, but there have been many books and movies that do that, so to single out games in that way seems unfair.”

Earlier today, we reported that a member of the US Special Operations forces spoke out against the upcoming Medal of Honor game, going as far as calling it a Taliban recruitment tool.

One thought on “Treyarch Studio Head Calls Medal of Honor Backlash “Unfair””

  1. I’m with Treyarch on this one. It’s a fucking video game. In fact, I’m gonna buy MoH just to show support.

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