An unnamed British teenager (giving names of those arrested is illegal under British law) was arrested near London last week. The teen was taken into custody for suspicion of involvement in multiple recent cyberattacks on “a number of international businesses and intelligence agencies,” according to the London Metropolitian Police. These businesses include the UK’s Serious Organized Crime Agency, the US’ CIA, and Sony.
Subsequent hacks on Sega and Sony Pictures appeared to have been done through a British subsidiary of the Japanese companies. Currently, the hackers’ effects are being searched for ties to the hacker group Lulzsec, the current organization believed to behind the PSN breach last month.
“Seems the glorious leader of LulzSec got arrested, it’s all over now … wait … we’re all still here! Which poor bastard did they take down?” LulzSec posted in a Twitter message shortly after the arrest made news.
(via CNN)
Lulsec has already disbanded (or at least that is what they said), and it appears that their 60 day reign of terror is over. What did they do… showed the world that hackers can be complete douches.