Four members of Lulzsec group have been given the UK’s longest ever jail sentences for hacking, which falls under the ‘Computer Misuse Act 1990’.
Four members of Lulzsec group have been given the UK’s longest ever jail sentences for hacking, which falls under the ‘Computer Misuse Act 1990’.
The Washington Post reports that two British ‘LulzSec’ members, Jake Davis (19) and Ryan Cleary (20), have pleaded guilty to a British court on conspiracy to attack government, media, and law enforcement websites in 2011. Davis and Cleary, together with two other alleged LulzSec members who claimed innocence in the same case, pleaded not guilty to encouraging […]
An 19-year old hacker, known online as ‘Topiary’, was arrested yesterday by the London Metropolitan Police’s E-Crime unit. Believed to be the spokesman (and Twitter feed manager) for both LulzSec and Anonymous, the man’s address was traced to the Shetland Islands, and he was taken into custody under suspicion of involvement with both organizations. Combined, […]
It was an anarchic 50 days for the team at Lulz Security (often abbreviated to LulzSec). The six-member strong hacker outlet released a statement (full version available after the jump) via download page at The Pirate Bay, claiming a self-imposed kibosh on their alleged reign of cyber attacks on government agencies and software websites. Encouraging […]