Having spent 70 days in jail in Greece, ArmA 3 developers Ivan Buchta and Martin Pezlar have been awaiting further decision – and action – but the local courts. According to Czech news site Rozhlas, the two developers have been refused bail by the Greek court overseeing their case. This, coupled with the strike affecting the […]
Xbox World’s final issue is incoming, and the magazine is looking to go out with a look to the future. A full 8 page feature detailing the next Xbox will be the centerpiece of World’s ultimate issue, according ot Editor in chief Dan Dawkins, who told CVG that the magazine has been at the cutting […]
With this year marking the 25th Anniversary of the blue bomber, with nary a mention of a new or bundled title so far to celebrate (aside from the so-far dismally received iOS game Mega Man Xover), many Mega Man fans feared the notoriously difficult platform shooter wouldn’t make it to 26. However, speaking in the […]
Crytek’s ‘Timesplitters HD’ petition has sparked discussion amongst Crytek UK developers, but so far not enough to commit to any new production.