Video game editorial site Onelastcontinue had an opportunity to sit down with Sony Online Entertainment’s Wes Yanagi, and illicit some surprising revelations on the upcoming MMO DC Universe Online. The more action-oriented design of the game was discussed, but one major detail stood out as a major turn-point for the title’s release: there will be […]
12 Sep
11 Sep
Visceral Games, formerly Electronic Art’s Redwood Shores studio, has begun to come out with several developer diaries going into gruesome detail on their new IP Dante’s Inferno. Detailing the upcoming title (for Xbox 360, PS3, and PSP) through each of the fabled layers of Hell, each diary provides in-depth previews of what the full game […]
10 Sep
Can Rockstar’s eye for top-of-the-class storytelling make going to school fun?
09 Sep
In celebration of the Sega Dreamcast’s 10th anniversary, we here at Elder-Geek salute the console-that-just-couldn’t.