London, UK Microsoft Corp., in collaboration with some of the most respected anime creators, announced a new project meant to expand the Halo universe, called “Halo Legends.” The project, similar to previous blockbuster efforts like “The Animatrix,” will feature multiple anime shorts from several different studios, some of which are set to debut at the […]
Activision recently announced the near-deity like presence of comic legend Stan Lee in their upcoming co-op action title, Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2. Like the majority of films based on Marvel properties, the father of modern comics will be making an appearance in the squad-based action title based on several licenses of his creation. Stan Lee, […]
Media Molecule happily announced that their endlessly creative platformer, LittleBigPlanet, has just uploaded its one millionth level. This milestone means that, on average, a new user made level was made and uploaded to the game’s servers every 21-seconds. The company also reported that these levels have had a total registered play count of 244 million […]
A second analog nub was almost a certainly once rumors of the PSPGo began gaining more and more credibility, but with the system’s leak and later launch neglecting to add the seemingly mandatory feature has gotten many gamers questioning Sony’s business logic. In a recent interview with Game Informer, Sony Worldwide Studios President Shuhei Yoshida […]