The Xbox Live Community games channel, beginning in late July, will be undergoing an aesthetic make-over designed to foster a more user-friendly and enjoyable experience for those downloading and those making games for it. One of the major changes the channel will be seeing is a name change, to the more artistic-sounding Xbox Live Indie […]
In a recent interview with, EA Games Europe Senior Vice President Patrick Soderlund confirmed the production and future release of Mirror’s Edge 2, sequel to the parkour-inspired rooftop acrobatic-action title of last year. No details of mechanics or production schedule were discussed, but further details are expected to arise in the coming months as […]
There are bad games. Games that are so bad that you’ll buy them when you see them just to find out for yourself. Games that are so bad that they have a type of charm to them. But then there are games like Damnation, which doesn’t even approach adequate or mediocre but isn’t so bad […]
June 11, 2009 The battle for exclusive band right between MTV and Harmonix’s Rock Band and Activision and Red Octane’s Guitar Hero has been one of the bloodiest scrapes of this generation. While Guitar Hero has had an arguable lead in landing big names for their own individual IP (with Aerosmith, Metallica, and now Van […]