By Rachel Phillips I have learned that mentioning this wonderful, addictive game around normal gamers gets one of two reactions: scoffs at the mediocrity of the gaming experience, or a complete blank face because the gamer has spent so much time getting to the “Prestige” level of COD4 that they have never heard of PixelJunk […]
Ahhhhh haaaaa…Rag Doll Kung Fu….. I Love Super Smash Brothers! And I love Little Big Planet! So when I heard that they were bringing Media Molecule’s original creation to the Playstation Network, needless to say I was excited. I never played the original for PC, but from what I’ve heard, it was basically Super Smash […]
I was excited for Skate 2’s release. Was. According to all the previews I had seen, it seemed as though they had ironed out all the kinks from the original Skate—a game which both my wife and I enjoyed on different levels. It feels as though there is something missing from both games, so I […]
You know how they say never judge based on appearances alone? Well in the case of Valkyria Chronicles you can disregard that advice because the bold and refreshing nature of the visuals carries over to the gameplay in every single way. The entire game oozes innovation. In a genre as well established as the RPG, […]