The story of Last Light picks up after Metro 2033, and gamers once again take control of Artyom as he travels around the nuclear wasteland of Moscow in this single-player shooter. This time around, Artyom is investigating the possibility of a surviving Dark One after he seemingly destroyed the species at the end of the […]
Mars: War Logs released while we were all sleeping. It received almost no media attention. The trailers were terrible and never went viral. And currently, no one is talking about its branching story path or mature themes. But we’re sort of OK with that. Mars: War Logs isn’t an OMGSOAWESOMEYOUMUSTPLAYTHISAAACOMMERCIALSDURINGPRIMETIME kind of game. It’s core […]
In what most gamers thought to be an April Fool’s Day prank from Ubisoft, Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon turned out to be true. Coated from head to toe with a faux-80s treatment, Blood Dragon is a love letter to gamers and geeks who grew up in the neon-loving, hair-feathering, Reaganomic, new wave, radical 80’s. […]
Learning absolutely nothing from their 2011 cult hit Dead Island, Techland and Deep Silver give the entire gaming community a blueprint on how to not create a sequel in the 2013 gaming market.