A long-running series first epically introduced on the Sega Dreamcast, the latest in the Virtua Tennis franchise was recently revealed and was set for a 2011 release. Virtua Tennis 4 is currently only announced for the Playstation 3, but expected also (at least) on the Xbox 360, the game is supporting both Sony’s Move motion […]
Like registering domain names, the act of a company trademarking certain similar phrases could lead to some hints at their future products. Nintendo recently filed for copyright on the terms “CrossPass”, “CrossPass Network”, “CrossPass Mode”, leading some to believe that this is the new term for a promised “tag” system in the Big N’s upcoming […]
Even if a company could perfectly capture 3D visuals in a cost-effective manner, that still leaves the fact that playing games with technology for hours on end could be torture for many vision types, not to mention those incapable of viewing most types of 3D in general. With the 3DS already compensating with a hardware […]
Admit it, you’ve always wanted to watch “Chad Vader: Day Shift Manager” in 3D. And with the September Firmware Update to Sony’s Playstation 3, you’ll finally be able to. SCE recently announced the extension to the system’s already impressive 3D capabilities, which also include the ability to display 3D pictures and home videos.