13 Jun
Does the new movie tie-in break the mold? Or is it just another generic licensed game?
Does the new movie tie-in break the mold? Or is it just another generic licensed game?
Disney is toying with the idea of charging $129.99 for the collector’s edition of TRON: Prophecy for the PS3 and 360.The game package itself will double as a collector’s case for bookshelves and mantles.
Saban Entertainment has kept the Power Rangers franchise a multimedia success for nearly two decades, and thanks to a licensing contract with Namco Bandai, the series’ video game front could possibly remain strong for the conceivable future. Retrieving the license from Disney, the holder since 2001, Namco Bandai combines its hold over the franchise to […]
Disney hires Bungie co-founder Alex Seropain to broaden their gaming landscape.