Get out your Ray-bans and Members Only jackets, we go back in time with Double Dragon Neon.
Get out your Ray-bans and Members Only jackets, we go back in time with Double Dragon Neon.
In one of the more surprising game announcements as of late, Majesco decreed the existence of Hulk Hogan’s Main Event for Microsoft Kinect. Developed by Panic Button, players can expect to emulate the famed poses of the wrestling star, learn over 30 of his combos across 9 different environments, create your own wrestling character, and […]
An apt name for an augmented reality game, Majesco’s recently announced The Hidden will allow users to search their native environments for ghostly apparitions and super-natural phenomena. Once found, the player – acting as part of the G.E.I.S.T. (Ghostly Entity Investigation and Strike Team) – can then destroy the paranormal aberrations “using a full arsenal […]
In a sales report listing a slight decline in overall profits, developer Southpeak Interactive cites the CDV litigation as what increased their losses for the fiscal year (which ended June 30th.) Overall, however, losses were at a 32% decline over last year’s numbers.