24 May

As the hours tick off before the return of the Playstation Store, the full fiscal ramifications for the breach that took it offline are finally becoming known. As part of a revision to their outlook for 2011 fiscal year, Sony has laid out its predicted bottom line in light of both the PSN hack and […]

20 May

The troubles for Sony’s Playstation Network seem never-ending. After successfully relaunching its basic framework after two separate data hacks, it was discovered that a user could reset any other gamer’s password with just the email and date of birth associated with the account, causing Sony to strike the online reset service. Sony later updated that […]

17 May

While gamers in the West have the pleasure of perusing their Playstation Network  “Welcome Back” packages of free content, Japanese players will have to wait a little longer. Sony’s native government has put the kibosh on the PSN relaunch until sufficient “preventative measures” have been met. Sony met with Japan’s Ministry of Economy, as detailed […]