Is “POP_ZERO_02” a screenshot of a new Egyptian-set entry into the popular action adventure franchise?
Is “POP_ZERO_02” a screenshot of a new Egyptian-set entry into the popular action adventure franchise?
After having been deemed lost for several decades, developer Jordan Mechner has recently released the full source code to the original Prince of Persia from 1989. Gamasutra reports that the source code was rediscovered by Mechner’s father, who came across a tray full of old discs, games, and three floppies on which the code was […]
In a recent ratings listing for the Splinter Cell and Prince of Persia HD Collections, the ESRB has revealed that both collections may in fact also be coming to the Xbox 360. Both collections were originally only announced for the Playstation 3, where the storage capacity of the Blu-ray disc would easily allow for the three games […]
The recent re-releases of all three games in the Prince of Persia trilogy (circa 2003 – 2005) in HD on Playstation Network seemed a precursor to a boxed release later in the year. While seemingly a dead concept in the months after the digital download release, a recent Gamefly listing may suggest differently. The game […]