Game Director Ashraf Ismail balks at a direct confirmation, his less than subtle phrasing leads to a strong possibility of a shared universe
Game Director Ashraf Ismail balks at a direct confirmation, his less than subtle phrasing leads to a strong possibility of a shared universe
Hideo Kojima Confirms ‘Metal Gear Online’ “Yes, we plan on creating Metal Gear Online,” Hideo Kojima told CVG. “Multiplayer right now is being created at our LA studio as well as us. We’re working closely to create a vast multiplayer for all the fans.” Kojima did not say how exactly this Metal Gear Online would […]
Twitch SDK Could Allow Live Streaming On Other Consoles Although Twitch has an exclusive agreement with Microsoft for Xbox One integration, Twitch VP of marketing Matthew DiPietro has told Joystiq that there is nothing that will not allow games themselves containing the Twitch SDK to allow broadcasting from any platform. “On a hardware level, Twitch […]
Sony Clarifies DRM Statement Jack Tretton told GTTV on Tuesday that, “the DRM decision is going to have to be in the hands of the third parties. That’s not something we’re going to dictate or control or mandate or implement.” Sony communications director Dan Race has since clarified to Gamefront that Tretton was specifically referring […]