Despite industry presumptions to the contrary, the Playstation Vita played a much smaller role in Sony’s Press Conference yesterday than expected, 3D not even getting a mention. Giant Bomb tracked down Sony Worldwide Studios head Shuhei Yoshida to discuss the absences, who stated his activity on Twitter gave him an awareness of audience expectations far […]
Defined by a similar series of lengthy trailers and/or gameplay demonstrations as most of the day’s pre-E3 events, Sony’s 2012 Press Conference has already birthed one particular moment of lingering infamy; one particular demo destined for a meme legacy alongside “$599 U.S. Dollars” and “I’m going to attack it’s weak point for massive damage.”
An enhanced port of Jet Set Radio was just announced for the Playstation Vita, sporting features that utilize the handheld’s unique mechanics. Containing all of the features present in the PSN and XBLA version coming this Summer, the game will also allow players to use one of the Vita’s touch screens for the game’s graffiti […]
According to a report by Dutch website N1ntendo [via Kotaku], Konami will be unveiling a new Castlevania title for the Nintendo 3DS at E3 next month. Supposedly, the title will be known as Castlevania: Mirror of Ages and has been in development for more than 18 months by now. More details are included after the jump.