Capcom has announced it will be making the fan-made “Street Fighter X Mega Man” cross-over available for free on the 17th of December
Capcom has announced it will be making the fan-made “Street Fighter X Mega Man” cross-over available for free on the 17th of December
The rights to the 2010 crossover Wii brawler ‘Tatsunoko vs. Capcom’ have lapsed, making new copies of the game impossible unless renegotiated
What was once a potential system seller for the 3DS eShop has gone the way of the dodo. Capcom confirmed earlier today that both the “Prototype Version” made with fan input, and the final version of Mega Man Legends 3 has been canceled. The announcement was posted as on the forums at Capcom-Unity, and no […]
In a post on the Capcom Unity blog, the Senior Vice President of Capcom Entertainment stated that the Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition will feature a new anti-piracy measure that limits the available gameplay if the player is not actively connected to an authentication server. Capcom previously stated that it would not bring the […]