Game Club crew recorded a podcast. It was about Bastion, or some game like that. Might want to give it a listen… couldn’t hurt anyway… and Kid, be careful… theres spoilers around every corner.
Game Club crew recorded a podcast. It was about Bastion, or some game like that. Might want to give it a listen… couldn’t hurt anyway… and Kid, be careful… theres spoilers around every corner.
Dark Legends will be a horror themed MMO application, available for Android, iOS and Google Chrome in the first quarter of 2012. Dark Legends is the next game being developed by Spacetime Studios, creators of the Legends MMO franchise, which has more than seven million downloads, and includes Pocket Legends as well as Star Legends: The Blackstar Chronicles.
You can now play Bastion in your browser. Supergiant’s indie gem recently released on Google’s Chrome Web Store, and Google has proclaimed it the first of many great games to come to its native client. As reported by VentureBeat, Google wooed the likes of Square Enix to create high-quality ports of high-end games for their […]
Following their posting of games-related job position notices, Google recently announced their plans to open a browser-based application store for their internet browser, Chrome. Similar to Firefox’s “Add-ons”, these applications will be able to be downloaded and installed directly from the store, and offer a variety of entertainment and informational services similar to Apple’s iPhone […]