03 Dec

OnLive recently announced an additional pay-to-play subscription model for their cloud-based platform. The “OnLive PlayPack” is a $10/month program that allows access to “several…recent, classic, and indie titles”. The current lineup for the program features 14 titles (listed below the jump), but is expected to expand to around 40 unique games by its January 15th […]

18 Nov

The leader in the cloud-based charge in the industry, OnLive, has announced that the micro-console box will launch this December 2nd, with pre-orders already open to the public. The box will retail for $100, and allow console-based gamers to stream OnLive’s HD server content directly to their home HDTVs. The system includes the physical box […]

20 Jul

The mid-E3 launch of the cloud gaming service known as OnLive has the potential to either define a market to rival anything before it, or utterly destroy any who try. Word coming from OnLive headquarters seems to lean towards the latter, with “everything going smoothly” supposedly since its release. Steve Perlman, CEO of the cloud […]