The four game partnership between developer Platinum Games and publisher Sega ended with this month’s release of Vanquish. The collaboration has carried both companies across some strong sales (MadWorld, Bayonetta, and Infinite Space being the other titles in the partnership), and Platinum Games has made it clear that they are very open to furthering the […]
25 Oct
07 Oct
The studio behind the upcoming Vanquish (and January’s Bayonetta), has announced that their next title will be heavily focused on multiplayer. Prior to the announcement, Platinum Games’ catalog has been stalwart in its focus on single player, despite tackling multiplayer-centric genres like shooters and hack-and-slash action.
25 Mar
Chief Operating Officer and President of Sega West, Mike Hayes, had a lot to say when cornered by CVG, especially considering the company’s market share across the current-gen consoles.