19 Jan

In yet another non-surprise from Sony Computer Entertainment, the publisher has recently announced its intentions to extend the epic action God of War franchise beyond the soon-to-be-released God of War III. While not retracting their former sentiments on the game marking the end to the core trilogy, Sony has recognized that how financially formidable the […]

18 Jan

Quantic Dream and Sony Computer Entertainment have not so shockingly launched a pre-release website for the upcoming film noir-esque Heavy Rain, complete with character information, screenshots, and flash player embedded loading screens. What flavors the site’s launch, however, is a supplemental murder mystery game that is open for everyone with a birth date high enough […]

08 Jan

Despite already having the most storage muscle of any entertainment format on the market, both Sony Computer Entertainment and Panasonic have been able to produce an upgraded format for the disc, upping its single-layer storage capabilities from approx. 25gb to 33.4gb. Based on a new i-MLSE (Maximum License Sequencing Estimation,) Sony recently took the time […]

28 Dec

With 3-D technology raking in heavy cash at the box office, the first steps in bringing the format to home gaming have already been taken with titles like G-Force and Avatar: The Game. But with recent rumblings from both the Blu-Ray Disc Association and PS3-makers Sony Computer Entertainment, it seems like the industry is poised […]