Following in the footsteps of THQ’s UDraw peripheral from last year, Ubisoft has announced its new upcoming tablet for the Nintendo Wii. Called the “Drawsome Tablet”, the device comes bundled with two games: Drawsome Artist (which features character designs from “The Smurfs”) and Drawsome Sketch Quest. The tablet boasts a 6.5 x 5 inch screen, […]
RedLynx (Trials HD, DrawRace series for iPhone) has become the latest acquisition of Ubisoft. The French publisher’s other 2011 acquisition was the casual dev studio Owlient back in July.
Rock Band isn’t the only franchise going hoping to take a dramatic departure from franchise expectations. Ubisoft unveiled the newest chapter in the Tom Clancy tactical shooter franchise Rainbow Six, sub-titled Patriots, for sometime in 2013. The “bold new direction” aspect comes from a narrative campaign that “captures the reality of modern-day terrorism and allows […]
2003’s cell-shaded, comic book shooter XIII didn’t start a revolution on the charts or with the critics – most citing it as a lavishly produced but mechanically underwhelming game – but French developer Anuman Interactive looks to be giving the license another chance with a new game. If the title is any indication, XIII: Lost […]