A long-time franchise on the PS2, Konami’s Dance Dance Revolution is returning to the Playstation home console for the first time this generation. Announced on Konami’s Facebook page, no details on the game or its release were revealed. An August 12th “launch party” was announced, however, and primary details are expected then.
Gangster movies are popular regardless of their context, and nothing could prove that better than if Zynga’s Facebook game/crack Mafia Wars received the silver screen treatment. According to Pajiba, the casual game is indeed attached to a film adaptation, Radar Pictures having already attached producer Ted Field (The Invention of Lying) to the project. The […]
The iPhone’s has kept a vice-like grip on the portable technology market since its release in 2007, and that success has been wooing some of the best developers in the games industry to make new or port over some of the best IPs to the hardware. The trend continues with both Facebook’s Farmville and Activision’s […]
Finally, the dream of picking up a Slurpee and a $10 Mafia Wars voucher can be realized. Social games-maker Zynga and 7-Eleven have confirmed a partnership that, starting this summer, would have the store chain selling gift products related to Zynga’s Facebook properties. 7,000 stores have been confirmed in the promotion, which will run initially […]