Following the footsteps of the “Resident Evil” film franchise, the producers at GK Films is looking to bring back another video game adapted film series with a new “Tomb Raider” instalment. Producer Graham King (“The Departed”, “The Town”) is reportedly spear-heading the project, which aims to hit theaters sometime in 2013. The first film in […]
[Initial reporting done by Eli English] Another one of our sources seems to have jumped the gun awhile back, as the piece that lead us to report that EA and DICE’s sequel to Mirror’s Edge being canceled proved false. According to EA Games President Frank Gibeau, Mirrors Edge 2 was never canceled, and they’re still […]
In between getting mobbed with fans at Game Developers Conference and receiving the Pioneer Award at the GDC Awards, Yu Suzuki revealed to Gamasutra that the social game sequel to the Shenmue could be heading to smartphones. Shenmue Town was originally developed developed for Yahoo! mobile applications, and commands the largest share of Japan’s DeNa […]
The 3DS just got some major indie cred. The low-budget, originally 2D, classic Cave Story will be getting a 3D conversion for an exclusive release on Nintendo’s upcoming handheld. The game is coming from NIS America, but no release date has been confirmed for the title. In an interview with Gamesradar, game creator Daisuke Amaya […]